Tips for recognising your soul tribe

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Have you ever met someone who you felt an instant and deep connection with? Are there people in your life who feel like home? Is there someone who triggers you to your core? Are there lovers or friends from your past who changed you in profound ways and yet no longer play a role in your life? There’s a good chance that they are members of your soul tribe. Rather than limiting ourselves to one or two ‘soulmates’, I believe we each have a soul tribe, made up of people who may be in our lives for years, decades or even just for a few life-changing hours.

Our soul tribe is a group of souls who we have known for many, many lives and who help us navigate the lessons we face in this life. Your soul tribe consists of family members, friends, lovers, even antagonists designed to affect change by challenging you to rise up and grow. Whatever their purpose, it’s helpful to know the signs so you can pay attention and make the most of having them in your life.


1.     You ‘know them’ without even knowing them

When you encounter someone who you’ve spent hundreds of lives with, there’s a deep recognition and knowing that occurs on a soul level. If you’ve ever locked eyes across a crowded room or had a serendipitous meeting that changed the course of your life in an instant, you’ll understand that feeling in your body when you meet someone important. Goosebumps when it’s not cold, tingles down your spine, a lightness in your belly, the sense that your whole body is saying ‘yes!’. Pay attention, because whatever their role in your life, your soul is telling you that this person is important.


2.     They feel like sunshine for your soul 

There are some people who just feel good to be near and doing so gives you both an energy hit because you’re vibrating on the same level. This is called being in resonance with someone (or something or somewhere) and is a signal from your soul that you’re in the right place.


3.     There’s no time for small talk

Is there anything more soul nourishing than deep, intentional, vulnerable connection through conversation? I know I’m with one of my soul tribe when we can leap over small talk and get into the juicy stuff.


4.     They smell good to you

Smell is our most primitive sense, and deeply connected to our subconscious. Whether or not something smells appealing is one of the fastest and most effective ways for our soul to communicate with us that someone, something or somewhere is safe. I’m not talking about perfume (although a person’s choice of fragrance says a lot about them as well) but their personal smell. If you’ve ever nuzzled the back of your child’s neck and felt intoxicated by love, you’ll know what I mean.

So should you go in for a sniff next time you meet someone? Should you discount someone with questionable hygiene? Um, no (*see below), but do pay attention to how they smell and the affect it has on your body. If someone smells familiar and reassuring, you’re probably recognising them on a soul level.

*Side note: the fabulous perfumer Roja Dove once told me that deep down everyone likes the smell of bum, that’s why it’s one of the base notes in almost every successful perfume ever made. As you were.


5.     You feel light and bright around them

When you’re around people who consistently bring out the best in you, there’s a good chance they’re in your soul tribe. Being in resonance with your soul tribe lifts your vibration and your energy in magical ways, pay attention and do everything you can to spend time with them.


6.     You feel safe to be soft and vulnerable

This last point is a tricky one, because whilst one of the clearest signals that someone is in your soul tribe is the feeling that you can be soft and vulnerable around them, that feeling can change with time.

This doesn’t mean you were wrong about them it just means that the reason they showed up in this life has passed and it’s time for you both to move on. Checking in with your intuition and the way your body feels when you spend time with people is the best way to know, and when you no longer feel safe, pull back with love and gratitude.

Do you have a question you would like answered? Email me here.   


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